Fiat lux
170 years of lights
The Fête des Lumières probably is the most iconic celebration in Lyon
Since 1852 & the first candles the locals put along their windowsills, this event has been enriching. Its actual form is an international festival about the lights with several million people coming to Lyon every year
With all due respect to Paris, Lyon IS the city of lights !
Lyon’s know-how about public illumination needs no further proof, the city has been shining all over the world through many buildings lit up by Lyonnais firms (Petronas towers in Kuala Lumpur, Ermitage Museum, Oriental Pearl Tower of Shanghai…), & even a bachelor’s degree in public illumination in the Lyon university

During 4 days, Lyon lives at the pace of the light & celebrates this element over several nights of public illuminations : landmarks, streets, facades of churches, river banks & parks
Choose your way : during the day for regular walking tours in Lyon, or in the evening to witness the amazing light shows, get ready for a dazzling experience
To do once in your life
New Generation Guide exclusively offers private tours
We can accommodate up to 25 people per group
For any specific request, feel free to contact us directly